Home > Artworks > Sandra Viviana Rossi

Photo of Sandra Viviana Rossi Argentina

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Born in Buenos Aires,on November 5. Started my artistic search in 2007.
Going through various styles and technical. I found my style in the \"Magical Realism\"making use of rhetoric Image and metaphor ..
The characters are fictitious and tell us about lives.Transcend the boundaries of reality and become magical.
My artistic purpose do a means of expression where I can convey my deepest feelings through stories and experiences of life.

Exhibitions carried out

  • 2014, Group show of paintings \"Felix Amador\" Fine Arts of the City of Luján.
  • 2013, Who takes what I dance?Group exhibition of Illustrations Of Tango Argentino.Techinique - Chinese Ink Art Culture Center Mask in Santa Fe Province Argentine.
  • 2013, Group exhibition of illustrations of magical-realism series of Poems of love and Roses to Buenos Aires. The Honorable City Council .Moron
  • 2012, Symphonies of Life. Group Exhibition the Acrylics Paintings - of Magical Realism in Old Printing Haedo in Province Buenos Aires.
  • 2012, Annual exhibition of painting \"Diversity the art\" in the cultural center Hurlingham -Leopoldo Marechal.
  • 2011, Group exhibition - of Paitings Watercolors -\"Airs of my Country Argentina\".
  • 2010, Group Exhibition of Paintings Acrylic and Collage - in honor of the Bicentennial of the Nation \'In the Municipality of Hurlingham Province of Buenos Aires.
  • 2010, Mural Inauguration of Old Railway Station in technical Trencadis- Castelar- Project realization in Charge of Maecenas Villa Workshop City Moron.
  • 2010, Group Show of Paintings of Field Argentino - Museum Las Lilas in San Antonio de Areco Buenos Aires Province.
  • 2009, Collective Annual Exhibition of Modern and Contemporary Painting Workshop-from Leopoldo Marechal Cultural Center.

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See everything we offer you!
19.69 x 15.75 in
23.62 x 7.87 in
11.81 x 11.81 in
7.09 x 9.45 in
7.09 x 9.45 in
7.09 x 9.45 in
7.09 x 9.45 in
9.45 x 7.09 in
43.31 x 39.37 in
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From an early age, I expressed my taste and passion for art.
It was then that I began my artistic work in the visual arts at 10 years in the workshop of Drawing and Painting with a teacher of Fine Arts.
In 1981 go to Art School High -E.N:E:T n0 6 \"Fernando Fader \"of Buenos Aires.

I got the title of \"Technique in Design and Advertising Promotion\".
Take a course in 1986 Watercolor And Japanese Painting differents means of this technique magnificent .On Buenos Aires Cultural Institute in the Japanese community.
In 1987 I took a course in Human Society Figure Stimuli in Fine Arts.In the autonomus city of Buenos Aires for two years.
1987 Enter the -the University Architecture and Planning and Design of Buenos Aires. U.B.A I graduated in \"Graphic Design\".
In 2007 to study at the School of Fine Arts \"Villa Mecenas\"
Morón. Pcia City of Buenos Aires.
2008 I took a course at the \"Villa Mecenas\" School of Mural
different techniques and special TRENCADIS With venecitas, Ceramic tiles .
2008 I took a course at the \"Villa Mecenas\" School of Mural
different techniques and special of TRENCADIS With venecitas, Ceramic tiles .
in the cultural center \"Leopoldo Marechal\" I studied
Differents Artistic Means of expression and currents of Modern Paintings
Today I attend a workshop open to all artistic currents and developing my own style in the \"Magic Realism\"
Currently I participate in painting competitions and exhibitions at national level.
My works are in several countries worldwide.

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